My name is Kipp Gray, and I’m glad you decided to stop by my little slice of the web! I’m a Husband, a Father, a Son, and a Brother who loves my Savior, my Family, my Church, and my Job. I am passionate about the Art of Selling, selling the RIGHT WAY, and learning to be a better Leader of people every day!! I’ve worked for Johnson & Johnson since 1997, and have served at various times as a musician, a singer, and a worship leader at my church, Southside Baptist, since 1995. My goal is to use this site to educate, inspire, entertain, and educate you with my interests! Also feel free to follow me on my social media sites below…I’ve set a goal of an insta pic a day for 2024!!
My Recent Blog Posts
GRIDDLE – Bacon Fried Corn
Bacon Fried Corn Three words I hadn't considered putting together until I got my outdoor griddle this week and started down the YouTube Rabbit Hole looking at griddle recipes...I'm going to post this video, and others as I find them, on my website so I know where they...
A Little Perspective on “Gratitude”
Job 1: 20-21 - At this, Job got up and tore his robe and shaved his head. Then he fell to the ground in worship and said:“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,and naked I will depart.The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away;may the name of the Lord be praised.” Job had...
Sweet Potato Souffle Recipe
This is my OG recipe! I've been making this for too many years to remember for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other Fall/Winter festivities. My learning of this recipe came from my Aunt Betty Poston, my dad's sister! I think it would be classified more as a dessert...